PanicPrep AI
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Welcome to PanicPrep AI

The easiest way to create, manage, and study flashcards for all of your last minute cramming sessions.
Simply sign up, put in your text or topic along with the number of flashcards you want, and let us do the rest!


Efficient Learning

Create flashcards quickly with our intelligent text processing algorithms so that you can ace your exams.

Online Deck Storage

Organize your flashcards into decks for easy management and access them anywhere.

Adaptive Input Processing

Generate flashcards with varying levels of input detail ranging from a simple prompt, a prompt and a difficulty level, or even raw text.

Customizable Difficulty Selection

Generate flashcards to your difficulty liking so that you can ace your exams.


$FREE / month

Access to limited amount of flashcard generation, other core features, and no cloud storage for saving flashcard sets.

$2.99 / month

Access to double the amount of flashcard generation, advanced features, and cloud storage for all of your studying needs.